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Feb 15, 2021
Say “I love you” as often as possible and “fuck you” as often as necessary
Morrisen Rosentreter (she/he/they/whatever the fuck) Mixed Media Artist Colorado Are you ready to begin? Interlinked. Interlinked. What...
Feb 14, 2021
"I proposed to myself and I said YES"
Queen Susanna Linguist, Happy homemaker, Other things Singapore/Seoul/Los Angeles How did you decide to have a wedding for yourself? I...
Feb 9, 2021
"You don't have a front tooth? Great! Is one ear bigger than the other? Wonderful!"
"I love being in front of the camera. And it's not about vanity and narcissism, it's about self-expression."
Feb 9, 2021
"Even though it seems bleak right now, there is a reset element in a positive light I can’t ignore"
Chelsea Artist Vancouver Island How are things? I am looking forward to the future. Even though it seems bleak right now, there is a...
Feb 9, 2021
"They weren’t very good kidnappers because I got away after a few hours"
Tea Kitten Psychic Los Angeles How is the year going? It really is just 2020 season two, huh? It’s going about the same as last year. My...
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