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"He’s never bitten anyone except my ex but I think we can assume he has good judge of character"

Izzy Pulse

Multi-Media Artist/Vintage Slinger

San Diego

What were you just doing before this?

I was using my grandma’s old sewing machine to rework a teal blue vintage nightgown and eating a burrito.

Where is home?

I was born and raised outside of Seattle but Southern California is where I really grew up and I know it like the back of my hand. With high hopes but a heavy heart I’m about to head on a solo adventure in hopes of finding a new place to call home.

What artistic mediums do you work with most and why?

My favorite pieces are the ones I can wear and that usually requires acrylic paint or markers so either one of those. I could spend hours with just a #2 pencil and a sketchbook. If I could, I’d have a pottery studio *sans wheel* I also love film photography and styling/directing a scene.

What is your favorite image you have created?

I took this one picture headed home from Big Sur on Hwy 1. I forced my boyfriend at the time to pull over just as the fog was rolling away and the sun started hitting the clifftop. Two horses were majestically grazing and I caught that moment in time forever just before I nearly got run over after tripping on my palazzo pants and eating shit on the pavement.

What is your favorite item that you dug up secondhand?

I rescued a beautiful silk slip gown from the 1930s out of a goodwill clearance bin and paid less than a dollar for it. Its amazing the things that people throw away. I then had my friend model it on her birthday and of course a herd of horses came up to her and she hopped on one.

What is the oldest piece of clothing in your closet?

I have a victorian camisole circa the 1890s that I actually do wear albeit backwards since its cuter. Someone’s initials are still on it today and its possible that someone used their urine to keep it white as it is. They didn’t have bleach back then and the ladies had to keep their undergarments as white and clean as possible to be “good wives” lol. Other than that my dad’s college sweatshirt has been in my closet since I was six years old (sorry Dad.)

What kind of snake do you have?

Luci is a Ball Python. He just likes to sleep in a curled up ball (hence the name) a lot and he’s never bitten anyone except my ex but I think we can assume he has good judge of character lol (my snake not my ex.)

Where do you want to travel too next?

I would love to do a solo desert adventure and venture out east further than I’ve ever gone before. I also want to do a backpacking trip somewhere near lake Shasta with my best friend.

Anything you want to get more involved with?

I’ve been super into Tarot recently and just found a vintage deck circa 1971 that I feel really connected with. I would love to do a little booth or online readings one day.


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