Los Angeles

So what’s your deal, dude?
I’m a jack of all trades and a master of none. I am an alien, An experience, A god of my own damn mind. I’m also cute as fuck. *shrugs*
And your photos?
Artistic self portraits from my iPhone, mostly. I suck at capturing other people. Most of my photos have some sort of sexual connotation. I’m mostly inspired by lust, to be honest. Ya boy is a sexual deviant.
How has the pandemic affected your art?
I don’t know if it was my fiancé and I splitting, having to march in the streets for my right to live as black man, or trying to not catch a deadly virus but, I was definitely losing grasp on my mental health, I didn’t feel sexy or creative at all. Currently in the process of getting back to that. Fuckin’ pandy..ugh.
Soo… You’re very naked in a lot of your photos.
I never know what to wear! Well…that and I’m a bit of an exhibitionist. I hate that there’s such a stigma with being nude but, that same stigma makes it hot to be naked in places that you “shouldn’t” be naked in. I just want a fresh breeze on my balls. Sue me, daddy.
If I wanted to stay involved with the church, I was required me to meet once a week with the assistant to the head pastor for “accountability checkups” aka conversion therapy.

What’s new in your life?
I just recently discovered I have a learning disability which is wild AF. I thought I was just depressed! Look at God!
God? Are you religious?
Used to be! It’s all bullshit now. Started going to church as a teen to get away from my toxic-ass parents and ended up getting heavily involved. Eventually ended up in a leadership position. Long story short, my pastor found out I was gay and I was asked to step down from my position. If I wanted to stay involved with the church, I was required me to meet once a week with the assistant to the head pastor for “accountability checkups” aka conversion therapy. Hmmmm… ’twas a “hell to the fuck no” for me, dawg. Left my church and never went back. The ordeal made me reconsider how I feel about religion from then on.
Any photogs that you look up to?
Teron Beal, I consider this man my mentor and I don’t think he knows it. Man is a “caps lock on” ARTIST. Dude has done and is still doing amazing work. A whole fount of wisdom, that man. I very seldom consider people as father figures in my life, but I definitely consider him as such. He’s not only inspiring as an artist but, as a black man in Hollywood. If Lead by example were a person, sure as shit that person would be Teron Beal. Periodt.

OK tite. A few more…
Your typical Monday consists of?
Me smoking weed until Tuesday happens.
You also make music?
I do! My Debut single “shook” by yours truly (Bl41R) drops on Spotify 2/26!
Do you identify as gay?
I identify as an experience. Dicks are hella fun tho! *winks in queer*
How many tattoos do you have?
Four. Panther on my chest, skull on my left wrist, “Love” on my right hip, and A game of hangman on my right thigh.
Twin sister, Older brother, and 5 half brothers and 5 half sisters. Dad was very hoe. Very hoe indeed.
Fave food?
Ham and cheese croissants from California Donuts. All. Fucking. Day.
If you could give 16y.o. you some advice, what would it be?
Don’t take church too seriously and ask that boy out. Also, be gay and do crimes.
"Shook" is OUT NOW check it out here