Elisse Locomotion
Vinyl DJ
Mexico City / Oakland, CA

Hi Elisse Locomotion, is that your name? No, it's my DJ name. My friends call me Eli (EH - LEE), but my real name is unknown to most people.
Tell us more about yourself, where are you from? I'm a 32 year old woman who was born in some hood in Ecatepec, Estado de México, really close to the border with Neza and "la GAM" (Mexico City). It's one of those places that no outsiders visit if they don't have to.
How has it been for you to live in the Bay? I love the multicultural aspect of it, living for the first time in a city with pleople from diferent places of the world with diferent cultures is very fullfilling. I have met interesting/weird people here too, and that's very exciting! I have made some good friends and I met my husband here. Also, I love how much greeness is around me which has made me enjoy walking more and staring at trees or animals. What I hate to see is so many people living in the streets, it makes me so sad to see the contrast between that and those who have A LOT of money! I hate priviledged people taking so much for granted or caring about the most superficial things. On the other hand, I miss the noise of Mexico City, my family, my dog, my friends, people in general, saying "buenos días" or "provecho" to strangers eating in public places, the food, el metro and los tianguis (street markets)... But I'm so thankful for what I'm learning and experiencing being here!
What do you do for a living? Some people say I'm a DJ or a selector but I like to say that I have records and I play them at parties, bars or even in the radio! I also sell vinyl and vintage clothing.
Why vinyl, why vintage clothing, why the 60's and 70's? Thanks to my parents that are so cool and played a lot of diferent kinds of music when I was a kid, I fell in love with the 60's when I was a teenager, then decided to make a mod band when I learned how to play bass. That didn't last more than a few months but thanks to the internet I met and got involved in the 60's/mod scene in Mexico City and became a DJ. I wanted to look like a mixture of Dave Davies, Brian Jones, France Gall and Twiggy but a mexican version in the 2000s ha! I find vintage objects, records, clothing, turntables, furniture, toys, kitchen stuff... very satisfying to look at. When I look at them, I listen to the music I've been loving for over a decade in my head and that makes me so happy. For me, it has always been about the music.
What's your worst fear? Being kidnaped, tortured and that my loved ones never find me or that something similar happens to anyone in my family. Another phobia of mine is being diagnosed with dementia.
What do you hate the most? Dishonesty, injustice and people who feel superior to others for any reason.
Your biggest influence? Everything I've listened, watched, everyone I've met and all I have lived has shape me somehow, but I guess I'm a younger version of my parents but weirder.
Most precious thing you own? My memories and my ability to love and enjoy simple things in life.
The thing you like the most about you? 1. I recently descovered that I'm much stronger than I thought. 2. The passion that I have when I do things like wanting to do everything the best that I can even if it's for fun and having the ability to do a decent job in most cases. 3. That a lot of people look for my advice on things. It's weird that I'm somehow seen as someone people can trust, but it makes me feel proud of myself that I can have an impact on people in such ways.
Something you don't like about you? My insecurities, like being affraid to talk to new people in person.
Best food? Tortas de chilaquiles and on the sweet side, dark chocolate.
Favorite smell? Freshly cut parsley and Galleta's (my dog) scent.
Someone you admire? Every person making an effort to live the best they can even when they have everything against them.
...Please don't ask me about my favorite band/song/album because I'm like a bag of dorilocos with everything on it.

Mixcloud: https://m.mixcloud.com/elisselocomotion/